Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgivn Break

{so fricken spoiled}

I feel so naughty. I have not posted for a whole week. I feel like I deserve some kind of penalty. But I have a lot to talk about. Since it was Thanksgiving Break I had a lot of time doing some very productive things (i.e Halo 4, eating, missing practice, and procrastinating).

Monday: I went to practice at 8:00 in the morning. I was very cranky and did not want to get out of 
bed. So I must have some dedication to a sport that only brings pain. I did sprints. A 
distance runner doing sprints! Wow! I nearly died! Then I relaxed for the rest of the day. No 
school. I was in such a euphoric mood. I also roamed downtown Ventura with my mom and
sister. I love downtown and hop at every chance I get to shop at the thrift stores and 
occasionally Urban Outfitters. I got an early Christmas gift. It has been a while since I 
have had a Monday that I wished would never end.

Tuesday: I woke up to run with my dad. I got to pick the place and I chose Arroyo Verde. I picked Arroyo to run at because it is my favorite place to run at in Ventura County and I have not ran there at all since the end of summer. It was so refreshing to run on trails! The trails were wet so there was not any dirt or dust flying at all! I loved it. My dad could only handle a guys loop but he did great. After we ate at Cajun kitchen in downtown Ventura. I ordered to plate-sized pancakes which were very yummy.

Wednesday: No practice because I wanted to watch Breaking Dawn part 2 at the new movie theater 
                    at the Collection. I loved the movie! Heads flying, arms ripped apart, lots of drama. I am 
                    going to miss the movies though. Mom had to work that night so it was nice just to have 
                    small outing with my mom. 

Thursday: Thanksgiving! I went to church with my family. I also went for a small visit to Fullerton to visit my cousins. Thank goodness there were only 20 min of traffic. It was fun and the food was soooooo good. I felt guilty that I haven't ran all week besides Monday and Tuesday. Oh well. Then we went back to spend time with my mom and grandma for Thanksgiving. Boy was I stuffed! Later my mom and I went to Target for Black Friday sales. The line was really fast and we ended up walking out with 2 nooks, some towels, lots of movies, and some music CD's. Such a nice Thanksgiving :) 

Friday: I went on base for food with my family. We walked out of the commisary with enough food 
            to feed all of Africa!!!!!

Saturday: Target just to hang out.

Sunday (today): More hanging out and wishing that break will never end. Even though I get bored 
                           sometimes, it is better than being stuck in a desk forced to deal with monotonous 
                           teachers. I really do not want to wake up early tomorrow. I also need to work hard 
                          on my memoir project for AP English. Oh well. At least I have one more break to 
                           look forward to. Christmas Break, hurry up!

Christmas Countdown: 30 Days until Christmas!!!!!!

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